Sunday, April 4, 2010

How to start....

We all must go through the proper steps in order to move forward, even if we don't find the need for them. In the beginning one must go through a process of thought. One must start to begin to ask themselves "What just happened?", "What am I to do?", "Who am I know" and "How am I to start over?". The beginning is never easy for anyone. Many cases include periods of time where for days to weeks, where you will just want to stay in bed, wanting to stay under the covers where you'll always be safe and think that maybe you will wake up from your bad dream or just stay at home and begin to see the world around you in a huge fuzz and everything will begin to fade in with eachother and nothing will really make any since. And others go through this period of acting in a delusional state for themselves and others around them, almost as nothing ever happened and everything is normal. It is all part of the process. Almost like in the steps of grivence. The first step in Denial. We will deny to ourselves and any of our loved ones around us. We will convice ourselves that everything is O.K.

Well take that time you need, I did. In fact I kindof am going through that period. I mean its only been less then four days since I have been told that I need to start over. I have stayed in bed some days. Other days I would wake up and try to keep myself busy and telling everyone that I am ok. Nobody wants to hear that your doing bad and that you are not taking things great. Especially if you are like me and have a past of taking bad news badly, or to be blunt I would cut myself as a child when I was given bad news or go through a deep and dark depression. I have now moved from those periods of my life and hope to be able to gain my support from friends and family. Again if you need support of any kind feel free to write or comment. I would love to help in any way possiable.
You take your time in the Denail state.
Sleep more.
Cry if you need.
Convince your self wrong if you need.
Eat your pain away. lol. I always do.
Read that book you put away for the rainy days.
Do all that you need...
Just keep in mind that at some point...
You need to take a good look of reality and Say "Hello".
Hello Reality, I have been avoiding you for some time, but it looks like it time we sat down for some tea.
Good day to you all...
Till next time :)

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