Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Day One

So today my official first day to the beginning of my new life. I know that may sound a tad bit weird and even a little contradictory but it is what I will write. I woke up yet again, within my warm covers feeling completely at easy, yet a the same time not wanting to leave my blanket of safety. I woke at the early hours of 8:30.....O.K. I woke up at 9:30. :) I did a little bit of movement from my bed to the couch. I did a little soul searching with the T.V. and then after about an hour of nothing I got my big fat ass off the couch and got to cleaning. Cleaning clears my head and well it gets the place your in clean. lol. I really can't find a reason not to clean. A clean area helps the mind work better, allowing you to think about more important things. I then realized my beloved Martha Stewart was to be on at 10:30 on the Hallmark channel and so I took a jog on the treadmill I ha vent used since I bought about a month ago and watched her make things I will probably never use or need in my life. After my jog, just as I was about to finish cleaning the kitchen I got the call. What call you may ask? Well you see, I am in this new stage of my life due to a mistake I made and this call was what resulted do to it. This call was from a Human Resources Repersentive with the company I worked for (Did you catch the "Worked" part of it). She was calling me to inform me that I had a meeting with her Downtown today to discuss the outcome. Well I'm sure you guessed what it was.

Yep....I am starting all over because I was fired. That's right. I realize I should be a little ashamed or even embarrassed to commit this to you. And to be truthful I am, but I feel that the only way I can help anyone who needs it would be to be truthful. Isn't it said that "The truth will set you free". So I came out of the meeting jobless and to be yet again truthful a bit relieved. Now I know with today's job market and my age, getting a job again wont be easy. But I really am not sure if that's what I want to do off the back. As I mentioned earlier to you I have a very supportive family and they want me to take a break and relax. I plan on doing just that, Relax.....
I will of course not just sit in my own sorrow and expect people to pity me.

I plan on rediscovering myself.
I hope anyone who goes through such an ordeal takes this chance to due just that.
Wake up in the morning, look in the mirror and ask yourself "Who am I?"
I hope you then take some time and find that answer instead of taking the easy road out and doing as others tell you.

Look at yourself deeply.
Look in the mirror, I mean really look into it..... Look into your eyes until it almost looks like anther perosn is looking back at you and then find out what it is you see....
Until next time.
Good day!

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