Sunday, January 23, 2011

Date night...

So this past friday I dicided it was time to meet one of the guys I was talking to online and see how the date goes..First thing I had to do was text or email him to see if he was available..His name is Mike and he seemed really sane with the messages we have sent back and forth for the past month and was even ok with the fact that I sometimes never replied to some of his messages. His picture he sent me was also decent so I said "What the hell...let me give it a shot". So I sent him a simply "Hey, What are you up to tonight?"...Reply "Nothing much just getting out of work..what about wanna hang out?"..Now he has sent me that message before and I would always blow him off so thats why I dicided to choose him.I then simply replyed " just say where and when!"..I like to do that since it gives him the illusion that it was all his idea of going out and give him control of the area...that way I can see what hes all about..So we then dicide to go play put-put at a nearby mini-golf course called Castle mini-golf off of Gladiolous...nice little course. We meet out in the parking lot and say our official Hello's and shake hands...who shakes hands lol...I can see he is digging me, for the first thing he did was look at my breast and then we headed to the paystation..then a small conversation began:
Mike-So your from here originally or what?
Me-Yep born and raised...a mexican cracker I like to call myself..
Mike-Yeah me too...Went up north for school but came back..

now let me fill you in about Mike...He is 28, and medical sales person and lives with his mother for the time being, now I understood he went through an unemployment moment so that was the reason, he also went to school and FSU and seemed smart..slightly cocky...also I hate to judge on looks but he wasnt the best looking all...

He payed for the game-23.50..I offered but he insisted..
then the game began..we spoke of our favorite music, past times, hobbies, likes and don't likes, pets,family, sports and education plus a touch on government...I know what didnt we talk about..

He then started feeling alittle embarassed since I was beating me and even tried to though my hand or graze my butt non-chilant lol...I was having a goodish time but he was I could tell diggin me more then I to he would stare at my breast everytime he could...why?
at the last hole he stole a kiss and I was nice enough to return it since he did pay..he then got us some icecream and I thought it was the end...turns out we were the last ones to play so once we turned in our sticks they shut off the lights ...I found it a little wired walking in the dark with a guy I just met..but he was nice walking me to my car...thats when things got I was saying goodbye to him he took the chance and kissed me and kind of pinned me to my car..I was honestly going through a dryspell in the date department so I was flattered and returned it aswell...he got a little intense in his kissing then started to hump me..OK...WHAT ARE YOU DOING?????? I THEN STOPPED HIM SAID GOOD NIGHT AND ENDED MY DATE NIGHT...why must these things happen to me....loll....why?

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