Saturday, August 13, 2011


So when I think of how I'm going to meet my new boyfriend the last thing I think of is, "Hey let me place and ad on Craigslist" lol....I'm happy to say that's exactly what I did almost 6 months ago and we are still together...I thought on a very boring night in April, let me give this thing a try..I will at least get a kick out of reading the responses...I could have tried the E Harmony gang or, or even the new bootie-call site I said nope lets see what Craigslist has to offer..So my title under women seeking men was "Seeking someone Fun and Simple"..that seems like a nice inviting post for normal men..I guess I forgot that among the nice men out there are the creeps...I guess the word fun invited them to think I was thinking I have like 50 or so emails in my inbox, mostly from creeps wanting me to meet them at their homes for a movie night and then I decide to choose the one that was a simple and grammered response...after the inital greetings this was his email to me...sweet and simple
I see you are Mexican; nice.You are also attractive. You seem like an interesting person. Can I have your number? How does a stimulating conversation sound over coffee?
I am a local firefighter and an Army National Guard Soldier. I hold two Associates degrees. I'm looking to further my education in the future. I like to do just about anything outdoors.

How could I say no to him... especially after all I was getting...he was one of the few people I liked. So we befriended each other on Facebook and then set a date for the movies...the date details are next post my poor little fingers need some time to relax...till next time :)